Cancer devours

heartNow you might have clicked on this article because you know people who have been suffering from or are suffering from cancer. I am writing this article, precisely for that reason. However, where I go with this might not be where you wanted me to go.

Recently, my husband was diagnosed with cancer.  While we are grateful to God for the good doctors he has had and the fact that thanks to the Lord he is doing very well, this period in our life (and due to ongoing three-monthly check-ups, we continue to be in this period …) has made me think of cancer in all its different forms.

The type of cancer I am writing about here is one of the most destructive. It enters like thief. It takes hold and tightens its grip and by the time it has grown out of proportion, it has taken us over and we become blind to it. The cancer I am referring to is the Cancer of Contempt. Continue reading

Bitter at Christmas?

We talk about peace at Christmas at the same time, however, we harbour bitterness in our hearts judging others, avoiding previous friends, looking down on neighbours who have more and treating co-workers and leaders at work and church with deeply-rooted contempt and self-righteousness. Peace cannot come to hearts like this…let go!


Bitterness pervades the room as she walks across the floor.
You do not know where she comes from or where she is going anymore.
You recognise the taste so strong and even though you know it’s wrong – you are quite happy to let her show.
Bitterness of things gone by, that you never did let go.
Bitterness of things to see that others have but – you just don’t.
Opportunities to forgive – but you decide you surely won’t.
Bitterness and jealousy a couple made in hell.
Will you hold on forever or will you, might you tell…
Your Lord about your struggle with bitterness and strife?
For when we let her go – then He can truly bring us life.
A life worth living to the full, with suffering yes, but rich in mercies,
A life of forgiveness and everlasting sweetness.

Don’t let bitterness steal your joy,
The only winner – the one who came – to lie, steal and destroy.

Ephesians 4:31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. 32 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.