
The social media sphere is growing, no doubt. Do we all agree with it? Not necessarily. Some don`t agree that English should be the world`s number one language. But it is. The same is the case for social media. It is not going away, in fact, it is growing and humanly, cannot be stopped (albeit a Babel moment is never impossible).

What do we do with it?

Use it for the Gospel. Get out there in the mix and preach the Word of God. Share what you really believe. Don`t waste your online time with how many times you went to the bakery…

Some country governments encourage their citizens to blog positively about their country. Look at the vast amount of social media about the Israeli/Arab conflict, for instance.

We, as believers, are citizens of Heaven, with one job in life – to make disciples. Using social media is one way to do so.  Use it!

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