Cancer devours

heartNow you might have clicked on this article because you know people who have been suffering from or are suffering from cancer. I am writing this article, precisely for that reason. However, where I go with this might not be where you wanted me to go.

Recently, my husband was diagnosed with cancer.  While we are grateful to God for the good doctors he has had and the fact that thanks to the Lord he is doing very well, this period in our life (and due to ongoing three-monthly check-ups, we continue to be in this period …) has made me think of cancer in all its different forms.

The type of cancer I am writing about here is one of the most destructive. It enters like thief. It takes hold and tightens its grip and by the time it has grown out of proportion, it has taken us over and we become blind to it. The cancer I am referring to is the Cancer of Contempt.

Over the years, we have watched people suffocate themselves and others through this crippling cancer.

As a pastor and a pastor’s wife, we have seen the highs and lows in people’s emotions. We have seen bitterness against their distant family members, their bosses, their children, their parents and, we have seen bitterness against their brothers and sisters in Christ.

Forgiven by Christ, Christians still give in to the titillations of the enemy, who promises a sense of satisfaction as we hold on to self-righteousness against others.  Yes, others wrong us. Yes, it would be fantastic if they saw sense. Yes, we would desire for them to say sorry, but we do not have the right to hold on to our ill-feelings toward them. When Christians let such bitterness prevail in their hearts they are calling others: “ Raca” and as Matthew 5:22 would tell us: “ … every one who is angry with his brother shall be in danger of the judgment; and whosoever shall say to his bother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council, and whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of the hell of fire.

Contempt in our hearts is as if we were harbouring feelings of murder. Is that who we want to be?

As I watch others struggle with contempt for their work-colleagues, bosses or even their spouse, I wonder if they realise that they are opening the door to cancer, cancer of the heart, cancer of the spirit? Do they realise that while those they treat with contempt will feel the pain, it is they themselves who will suffer the most, leaving their hearts dry and infested by disease – the type of disease that gives the enemy credit – not the Lord. The scary thing is that it develops a life of its own.

The medicine, however, is forgiveness. Forgiveness does not wait on the perfect rectification of a wrong. It decides to forgive even without that. As Christians we forgive, because we have been forgiven. Too often, I see people waiting for that word “Sorry” and holding on to their self-righteousness until that day. It seems they missed the point of Christ’s free gift.

If you are suffering with a heart that calls out: “Raca!” most days instead of: “Abba – father!” let go of your need for revenge, your heart of contempt.  Let go of the cancer you yourself gave permission to rage and let the Lord heal you and your relationships.

After all, there are people who do not know our Lord as Abba and wish you would find the time to talk to them, instead of nurturing your rotten soul.

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